Care for yourself, so can care for everyone else.

As nurses we are taught how to care for everyone else, but not how to care for ourselves. We put so much energy into caring for others, but so little into caring for ourselves. This is the first step on a journey to taking care of yourself, so you can care for others.

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    Many of lack the tools to properly care for all 5 of the domains of self-care. Restoring Nurses is providing those tools in the forms of courses and other resources that can fill in the gaps of your self-care knowledge.


    A self-care journey is a difficult thing. It often involves significant changes in our lives. Traveling this journey in community not only makes it much easier, it can even make it fun Restoring Nurses provides a community of like minded people all on similar journeys.


    Sometimes we need a little more than just a course, or even the encouragement of a community. Sometimes we need a coach. For those times when you need a little extra push, Restoring Nurses offers individual and group coaching.